
Can You Donate Blood If You Smoke?

If you are a smoker that doesn’t mean you cannot donate blood, you can donate blood if you smoke. Smoking, cannabis, or drinking alcohol does not prohibit you from donating blood but certain things ban you from donating blood.

According to the WHO(World Health Organisation) every year about 118.54 million blood types are collected and Red Cross Blood Organisation report says that in the USA around 6.8 million people donate blood.

People need blood for several reasons.

  • serious accidents
  • surgery
  • mother giving birth
  • diseases

Why you will donate blood. The most important thing is you can save a life. In addition, if you donate blood regularly it helps you to lower some risk factors. It will lower your blood pressure and lower the risk of heart attacks

Can you donate blood if you smoke Cigarettes?

Yes, you can. Smoking cigarettes does not ban you from donating blood.

If you are a smoker and want to donate blood then don’t smoke on that day because blood pressure will increase if you smoke on that day and after donating blood don’t smoke for 3 hours.

Smoking leads us to several conditions that ban you from donating blood.

Cancer, high blood pressure, and heart and lung disease disqualify you from donating blood. If you had a heart attack you cannot donate blood for 6 months.

What prohibits you from donating blood?

The possible list of disqualifications:

  • injection drug users. illegal drugs like steroids.
  • feeling sick before that day of donating blood
  • severe infection
  • having tattoo recently
  • having HIV
  • having cancer of the blood

Have a proper discussion with the doctor before giving blood. If you have any of these issues you cannot donate blood.


If you have certain medicines you cannot donate blood. Here is a list of medicines:

  • Accutane
  • Antibiotics *eligible to donate blood 24 hours after their last dose.
  • Anti-Platelet Medications
  • Avodart
  • Blood thinners
  • Bovine insulin
  • Hepatitis B Immune Globulin
  • Human-derived growth hormones
  • Jalyn
  • Propecia
  • Proscar
  • Soriatane

Some tests you need to do before donating blood. These tests are blood and Rh type Hepatitis B, C, and E, and HIV.

Smoking is not good for your health. Quitting smoking to lower your chance of heart disease. Smoking can increase the chances of getting heart disease.

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